Intellectual Property
The broad application of IP rights affects all manner of intellectual capital in just about any creative field. In recent years the importance of IP rights has been recognised by legislative reform seeing for example the introduction of moral rights and database rights.
Forward thinking enterprises face the challenge of extracting the explicit value of their intellectual property and using it effectively in their business strategies. Companies that dedicate time and resources to protecting their intellectual property may increase their competitiveness in a variety of ways. Intellectual property protection helps in:
- preventing competitors from copying or closely imitating a company's products or services;
- creating a corporate identity through a trademark and branding strategy;
- negotiating licensing, franchising or other IP-based contractual agreements thereby increasing the market value of the company.
We have advised on:
- Copyright ownership in commercial contracts
- Breaches of licensed use
- Defended against alleged breach of copyright claim
And advised on the appropriate course of action to pursue infringement of copyright
Design Rights
We have:
- Assessed whether a product is capable of having a design right whether registered or unregistered.
- Provided legal advice in respect of infringement of design rights
Trade Marks
We advise on Trade Marks and on infringement of use. Through litigation we assert our clients legal rights as well as defending those rights from illegal infringement. Trade Marks exist to protect business, trade and brand reputation.
Patent Rights
We have:
- Advised on the potential patentability of new inventions and the affect og gaining patent rights
- Provided opinions on likelihood of infringement against innovations of existing inventions
Misuse of Confidential Information & Trade Secrets
We have advised in what circumstances confidential information may be used despite contractual restraints
We Draft Non-Disclosure Agreements.
We have addressed employees' misappropriation of confidential information and applied for injunctions preventing unlawful disclosure of confidential information.
Useful Links
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US Patent Office
United States patents and trademarks office.
Intellectual Property Office (UK)
In the UK, patents and trademarks are administered by the Intellectual Property Office.
European Patent Office
The web site of the European Patent Office.
Irish Patent Office
The website of the Irish Patents Office
Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market
OHIM is the European Union agency responsible for registering trade marks and designs that are valid in all 27 countries of the
Free Patents Online provide free, on-line, searchable access to US patents.
Own It - the Creative London Intellectual Property Service
Free advice, events and information for London's creative people on copyright, design rights, patents, trademarks, branding, confidentiality agreements, licensing, royalties, contracts, etc.
Copyright Licensing Agency (UK)
CLA is responsible for looking after the interests of rights owners in copying from books, journals and periodicals.
PRS for Music
PRS for Music is an alliance of the MCPS and PRS who collect royalties for music artists and licence the use of music.
Copyright Association of Ireland
Aims to promote awarenessof copyright, debate issues and examine legislative measures.
Anti Copying In Design
ACID - Anti Copying In Design, is a group committed to combating copyright infringement in the design industry.
Federation Against Software Theft (FAST)
FAST became the world’s first software anti-piracy organisation when it was set up in 1984 to lobby Parliament for changes to copyright law. Today the federation provides anti-piracy advice and enforcement, supporting the UK software industry.
Locating copyright holders
The WATCH - Writers, Artists, and Their Copyright Holders.
Detecting infringement
Copyscape is a useful tool that will compare your web pages to others indexed by Google and return any it finds with matching text
If you have a question then please do not hesitate to contact us for advice at KJL Solicitors, Blofield Chambers, The Street, Blofield, Norwich, NR13 4AA. Based just outside Norwich within minutes of the A47 and with parking right outside our offices.